Friday, February 9, 2018

And BOOOM 5 lbs lost!!!!!!!!!!

What do we want? Scale Victories!
When do we want them? NOW!!!!!!!

Scale victories are ones that we all want, all the time. Most of us get frustrated when the scale doesn't move or it moves in the wrong direction. I'm in the "frustrated" column more times than I'm not.

However, getting a scare earlier this week put a lot of things in perspective for me. And so, once again, I'm requesting the scale to be nice to me! To like me! To whisper sweet nothings in my ear!

OK, maybe not the sweet nothings, but I will truly settle for it being nice to me.

At the very least to show me a 0.2 weight loss each day. I don't think there's anything wrong with asking that from such a scary, mean, nasty item such as a scale.

If you pet your scale do you think it will be nice to you?

I dusted mine and well I think it was very happy with me this morning......drumroll please......I am down 4.8 lbs since Monday, today's rounding day, wink, so BOOM 5 lbs gone!


Again, I'm taking the little victories and loving every minute of it.

I'm still not in Ketosis and I might not get there but at least the pounds are coming off. I managed to drink a gallon of water yesterday. I spent a lot of time in the bathroom but it was worth it. I felt awesome throughout the day! My eating was right on track with my low carb/keto lifestyle.

I also ....wait my alarms are going off saying its to to "MOVE....water, walk, stretch...and well pee".

I also did a 1 hour run/walk.

All in all it was an awesome day. Just taking one day at a time!

Your Daily Goal1,590124202555100
Swimming this afternoon!

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