Sunday, February 23, 2014

Entering a new path in my life

After a not so good 2 months of biopsies, ultrasounds, and test results I am at an extremely high risk of getting uterine cancer which just makes me want to crawl in a hole and give up! But I refuse to let this break me.......I was told one of the major things that would help my risks for Uterine Cancer as well as my diabetes, high cholesterol, and high blood pressure was to lose weight.

My mom died at a young age (56) from cancer that formed between the uterine wall and lining. This has always scared me and now I am facing the risk of cancer in the same place. As her birthday is approaching I think back and wonder......wonder if she could have been saved. I miss my mom!

My OB/GYN has been trying to get me to do the hCG Diet for a year now. I've waited for a long time and he has had extremely good results with his patients. He even used himself as a guinea pig before making it available. 

So this past Friday, I started this new path in my life. The first two days were difficult as I had to gorge myself. I never realized how difficult it was or how horrible I felt with everything that I had to eat.

Today is my first day of eating the way the hCG Diet is designed. So far I have done very to think that it is before noon how could I not be doing well.....that's easy. Before noon on a normal Sunday I would have had breakfast, a big snack (like a bagel) after swimming, and then would have had a big lunch (probably at Taco Bell). That is NOT AT ALL HEALTHY! And I need to get healthy!

So far today I have had the hCG Diet Strawberry Shake, which in my opinion was a slushy with fresh strawberries. 1/2 an orange and 2 cups of green tea to round out breakfast. Lunch was Spicy Lemon Garlic Chicken and sauteed spinach.

I have already packaged up several bags of the Spicy Lemon Garlic Chicken for later in the week. It will be quick to cook and yummy in my tummy!

Today I will be focusing on getting all my meals prepared for the week and making sure I stay on track! Chuck is being extremely supportive of this plan and has agreed to try several of the dishes which makes me very happy. I plan on serving the entire family the types of foods I am eating. I also plan on getting Chuck and the kids away from so much processed junk. The better we all eat the healthier we will all be.

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