Thursday, January 16, 2014

Frustration doesn't come close.....

to describing how I am feeling tonight. It was my second full week completed of Weight Watchers and well by look on the person weighing me in's face and the tone of her voice saying "did you even track this week" I knew that my weight went in the wrong direction. I just didn't think it would have gone up so much that I am now heavier than when I started Weight Watchers in the beginning of the month.

Even though I wanted to run away from the meeting crying and dive into something horrible for me to make myself feel better, like a giant piece of death by chocolate cake, I stuck it out and stayed for the meeting. It was very difficult to listen to all the stories everyone had about how well they did this past week. I kept telling myself that it isn't their fault I did so poorly.....And it isn' is my fault!

When the leader asked everyone to describe this past week in one word I immediately thought of FAILURE! One woman said "UGH!" and I had to chuckle because her exasperated voice is exactly how I felt.

Most of the meeting I spent reflecting on what I did this past week that was so bad....and well once I figured it out I was quite disappointed in myself. I sabotaged myself!

This weekend I am going to work on planning what I eat for the week and planning what I plan to eat while we are on our Disney vacation. It is going to be quite difficult to stay on track while at Disney but I need to do my best to try!

Time for me to put up or shut up and since we all know that I CAN'T SHUT UP I guess it is time for me to put up!

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