Thursday, December 5, 2013

Marathon Journey Day 5

Day started out with a 2 mile run/walk on the treadmill. I wanted to run outside since it was so warm out but there was just too much fog. The folks around here drive crazy enough as it is I don't need them driving crazy in the fog and trying to not hit me!

I did a 12 minute 1st mile on the treadmill; not as good as Tuesday but I'll take it. I walked 5 minutes before and 5 minutes after. Hopefully Saturday is nice outside so I can run outside and enjoy the peace and quiet. I always feel I run better outside than I do on a treadmill.

Eating was good today as well! I can't tell you how nice it is to not drink soda (although I really want some), drinking water and tea I think is making me feel better. Not to mention I'm not having gastro issues like I normally do; that has to be the way I am eating now.

Jesse has swim team practice tonight so I got to swim my masters program. It is a 2100 this week; that's 84 laps of the pool. Unfortunately I didn't make it 84 laps. I lost count after a while since I am fighting one hell of a headache. I was fine all day, but while I was eating dinner the headache came on and hasn't gotten any better.

Today's food:
  • Grits
  • grapes
  • apple
  • baby carrots
  • 2 servings of Quaker Extra Fiber rice Cake
  • Deluxe mixed nuts
  • Chicken Caesar salad
  • Mac n Cheese
  • Cereal

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