Thursday, December 5, 2013

Marathon Journey Day 4

Wednesday was such a busy exhausting day! Up at 4:30 AM and at the gym by 5 AM to do my 60 minute strength training workout. It was pretty good even though I was sore for all the exercise I have been doing. Work was grueling and I didn't think it was ever going to end. I worked 12 hours straight and couldn't relax once I got home. It took 2 hours for me to fall asleep. Hopefully Thursday night will be better.

I didn't get to swim tonight since I had to work but I will be swimming tomorrow!

I completed the following during my strength training workout:

Chest/Shoulder/Back Exercises
  • Push-ups (3 sets of 15)
  • Upright Row (3 sets of 12, 10, 8 with varying weight 10, 15, 20)
  • Lateral Raises (3 sets of 12, 10, 8 with varying weight 10, 15, 20)
  • Front Raises (3 sets of 12, 10, 8 with varying weight 10, 15, 20)
 Quadriceps/Hamstring Exercises
  • Squats (3 sets of 10, 15, 20)
  • Lunges (3 sets of 10 each leg)
  • Kickbacks (3 sets of 10 each leg) 
 Bicep/Triceps Exercises
  • Standing/Seated Dumbbell Curl (3 sets of 12, 10, 8 with varying weight 10, 15, 20)
  • Hammer Curl (3 sets of 12, 10, 8 with varying weight 10, 15, 20)
  • Triceps Extension (3 sets of 12, 10, 8 with varying weight 10, 15, 20)
 Ab Exercises
  • Crunches (3 sets of 15, 20, 25)
  • Sit-ups (3 sets of 15)
  • Leg Raises (3 sets of 15, 20, 25)
 I ate pretty well too!

  • Oatmeal
  • Grapes
  • Baby Carrots
  • Apple
  • Spicy Fried Rice with Chicken
  • Ranch Chicken with Bacon and lettuce
  • Quaker extra fiber blueberry quakes Rice Cakes

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