I'm sitting here watching a Hallmark movie about a broken family and it makes me think about how the relationship between myself and my sister, and her children, is pretty much non existent now. It's pretty sad that we rarely talk if ever and even though I send her a Christmas card each year with pictures of my children I don't get one in return. Even when we are vacationing in her area we don't get to see them.
I know that if my mom was still here things would be different. Mom would have never allowed a strife to happen. ... maybe Michelle and I are just too different. Maybe one day things will change. I've tried so many times but it just hurts too much to keep trying and getting ignored each time.
I'm sorry. My brother and I have not spoken in 16 months, and I don't know if that will ever change. I hate it for you because I know how much you talked about your nieces and nephew while we were at USM. Maybe you can at least have relationships with them.