Wednesday, February 21, 2018

Minor Setback

Well it was bound to happen and just like that I gained 2 lbs! WHAT?!?!?!?!?! I know! I'm not thrilled about this BUT ..... I WILL NOT FEAR FAILURE! This is my body telling me "Hey, you need to adjust to the changes you've been making!".

Just a few minutes watch, and friendly reminder on my work calendar told me it was time to get up, walk, stretch, and grab some water. Be back in a few minutes.


Step 1 - Get myself back on track with my water intake. During the week, drinking my water is not a problem. Well, it's not a problem while I'm in the office. Once I leave the office, all bets seem to be off. Time to step up my game and keep up the water in take even when I'm out and about or at home.

Step 2 - Stop obsessing about the scale. When I was on the hCG diet I was losing a pound or more a day. I think I have that mindset right now and it is sabotaging me....insert scene from Pitch Perfect when Bumber threw the burrito and Fat Amy and yelled "SABOTAGE!" SOOOOO, no more sabotaging myself. If I get a scale win, bring it, love it, celebrate it. And if I don't, well Poo Poo on the scale and I will continue on my merry little way. Eventually I will see another scale win.

Step 3 - Be consistent with exercise. I have not been consistent with my running or swimming. Trying to get in my swim workouts is difficult because I can't always get there before practice and keeping my kids waiting until I can get in 2000 yards after their practice isn't fair to them or ideal. So I need to find a happy medium! My right ankle has been giving me some trouble lately and so the running has been slow. I've been able to walk just fine but I really want to pick up my running game.

Step 4 - MEAL PLAN. I did great with a meal plan the first two weeks and then UH OH didn't want to plan anymore. I've got to get back to that. This weekend we'll be away for a championship swim meet but hopefully I'll have some time on Sunday night to at least prepare for a couple of days.

I'm sure others out there are struggling just like me, but keep your chin up and dust yourself off when you fall.

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