I had a pretty great day at work and felt like I accomplished a lot. Chuck and I even got to go out to lunch together today which is something we so rarely do.
My eating wasn't as great as it had been the past few days but still MUCH better than it has been over the last few months.
- Oatmeal
- baby carrots
- grapes
- mixednuts
- apple
- Parmesan Risotto with grilled mixed vegetables and grilled chicken (MAN WAS THIS GOOD).
- Side salad
- 1/2 cheesesteak, couple of fries, 2 bites of pizza.
After kids went to bed I went out for a run, it was cold but I finished it. 11:35 was my first mile. Although I was down to a 10 minute mile a few months ago I will take that 11:35 first mile and improve it each week!
Tomorrow is Day 4 of my journey and that means strength training at the gym in the morning and masters in the evening. It is great when you look forward to exercise!
On Thursday evening Chuck and I plan on making Christmas Cookies. I'm not sure how I feel about this considering I'm trying to behave myself. But as I keep telling myself all things in moderation. So if I have a cookie or two I'm not going to get upset with myself. Now if I have 5 or more cookies than we will have to get them away from me!
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