Wednesday, May 9, 2018

My Weight Loss Spreadsheet

From my Whoomp there it is 25 lbs GONNEEEE!!!!!!!!  post yesterday morning I've had several folks asking if they could have the spreadsheet I created. You most certainly can! I'm a spreadsheet junkie and LOVE to play around in Excel. It's not perfect but it's perfect for me!

Feel free to grab the spreadsheet and save it for yourself. Modify it any way you want and make it your own. Please note, that if you make changes to the formulas the spreadsheet is now yours as I won't be able to help you with any issues.

With that being said, if you don't make any changes to the formulas, you are welcome to post questions and I'll help when I can.

My original "Can you say Sreadsheet Junkie" post back in March gave some insight into this spreadsheet and how I am using it. So I won't go into that much detail here but I'll give some highlights of what you can modify, what you should modify, and what you shouldn't.

The "Intro" page gives the overall view of how you are doing. All of this information can be modified, but shouldn't. Anything in the light yellow fields are fair game and should be modified for your use. Anything in a colored or gray field should not be modified as these are formulas or values used in calculations. Definitely read all the notes I have on this page. It will help!

Definitely change your Start Date, Start Weight, and Height. Also, set all of your Weight Goals. Feel free to change your months (yes they are in gray). Keep in mind that the tab names are set in the order of the months under the weight goals, so you'll need to do some tweaking (not twerking....can you believe autocorrect tried to change that).

On the first day of each month you'll need to modify the formula in the "Current Weight", Total Lost,  and "Current BMI" fields. I haven't figured out how to get them to do it automatically so it's the one manual thing I do on the 1st of each month.  Right now the formula is "=INDEX(MAY!B3:B33,MATCH(TODAY(),MAY!A3:A33,0))". On June 1st I will change it to "=INDEX(JUN!B3:B33,MATCH(TODAY(),JUN!A3:A33,0))". Until I have some time to figure out how to have this change automatically, this is a simple change once a month.

If you look at any of the Month tabs there is one hidden columns, Column F. This column is used to help calculate the BMI and should not be changed, modified, or deleted.

In the "Weigh-In" column, I have put in projections for myself of how much weight I'm hoping to lose each day. This allows me to see just how much weight I can lose, if I work hard enough, that month. My ultimate goal is to lose 10 lbs a month. But sometimes, like this month, I'm ahead of my goal, so I set a new goal to see if I can reach it. This is all done with my projection.

To do this, all you do is go into the "Weigh-In" field and subtract a certain amount of weight within the formula. I know I said not to change any formulas! But these formulas you can change.

So for example....The B12 cell, which is the Weigh-In for tomorrow, 5/10, says that I want to lose 0.75 lbs from today's weigh-in; "=B11-0.75". If you don't care about that and just want this to be zero each day before entering your weight, you can remove the formula and it will be zero. I personally like to see the projection. You can also remove the "-0.75" and just have it equal today's weigh-in. You will be manually entering your weight in this column each day, so the formula will be overwritten anyway.

Leave everything else alone on this and all other tabs, with the exception of the initial date. The first day in the first month should be modified to the date you are using. I would recommend using full months. Everything else should auto populate.

The yellow borders, every 2 weeks is my day off! LOL! So you can get rid of that if you want. ;)

I haven't made any changes to this spreadsheet in a while and February was my trial month with it where I was working out all the kinks, so if there are errors, and I'm sure there will be, let me know and I'll take a look at it.

Again, the file can be saved from here. Have fun and enjoy!

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