Wednesday, May 30, 2018

Memorial Day Weekend New Recipe Fun!

When I'm trying to eat healthy there is nothing better than finding a new recipe. Any of you that follow me on Facebook know that I am "sharing" recipes all the time and then blog about them....when I make them.

The recipes rarely look like they are supposed to and my pictures are not the best. HOWEVER, I'm having a FABULOUS (sing songy voice) time making the new dishes and sharing them with everyone.

This past holiday weekend was EXTREMELY, extremely busy. I don't know where to begin or how I got through it. BUT, here we are on Wednesday, I'm exhausted, but feeling good.

What was on the agenda this past weekend you ask????? DON'T ASK! You should never ask! ;)

  • Mary moving in
  • Took Mary to the doctors for the day
  • Swim Camp packing when we got home
  • Mary packing after that; loading up and hauling numerous boxes
  • Driving 2 hours for Swim Camp drop off
  • Driving 2 hours home
  • Cooking
  • Cleaning
  • More packing
  • Running
  • Cooking
  • Answering the phone every 2 hours
  • Repeat for Sunday!
  • Driving back to swim camp; driving home.....4 hours total....ANYONE TIRED!
OK Seriously, I said "Don't Ask!" Let's just say that my four day weekend went by in a flash! 

I did make several new recipes that were posted on the I Breathe I'm Hungry Facebook page. Again, everyone knows how much I love Mellissa's recipes. Well she also re-posts some wonderful recipes from other blogs. 

Now, I don't know Mellissa personally but I'm fairly certain that with the wit, sarcasm and overall bluntness that comes across on her blog posts she and I are kindred spirits! I LOVE READING her blog. It's a breath of fresh air...and the recipes are superb!

OK, OK, OK....on to the recipes!

First up was the "Keto Crispy Pork & Noodle Stirfry". I have to say it, listen up, this was better than Chinese take out. YEP! I said it and it's true! This dish was one of the best Chinese dishes I've ever had. I made it, with the help of Mellissa's recipe and it was DEEEEEELISH!!!

Again, my pics are not the best but I love showing what I created on my own plates. I don't makes it more real for me. Yes, Yes I'm a weirdo!

So, noone in the family but Mary and I like pork and when I saw this dish I knew Mary and I would love it. I'm not one to typically follow all the steps in a recipe and this one was no different. I go with what I have on hand. 

Coconut flour.....I love it, however, I get afraid of it. I don't want everything to taste like coconut. Let's face it, a lot of low carb/keto recipes call for coconut flour or oil. I've pretty much given up on coconut oil. It turns everything the flavor of coconut. And I love coconut, but a girl has to have variety. Did I say "Coconut" enough?

I persevered and used the Coconut Flour....apparently I didn't say it enough yet. The "breading" for the pork was outstanding! The pork didn't taste like you guessed it, COCONUT! It was really good! I also didn't need all the breading. I ending up only using about 2/3 of it. 

As with most recipes, I try to have everything pre-measured and ready. Why do I do this? Because I find that most recipes go super fast and I overcook things if I don't have all the ingredients 100% ready to go. With this recipe I think it is a must. 

I didn't have cabbage, nor do I like cooked cabbage, so I chose to use a broccoli, cauliflower, carrot, stirfry bag. Now there was nothing in the frozen veggies other than the three veggies shredded. 

I also didn't have avocado or sesame oil so I used Moroccan Olive Oil. My friend Nadia gets it for me, yes she's from Morocco, and it is the best tasting Olive Oil I've ever had. Sometimes I feel like I could bathe in this oil. It smells great, tastes fantastic, and feels quite light in my cooking. So if you smell Olive Oil and you're near me....I may have....OK, seriously I would not bathe in oil. MAYBE!

The dish turned out fantastic and we had leftovers. Mary is having them for lunch today.

Well it was a TWO dessert night! OMG, you said that! Yep, I said it.....Mary, Zoey, and I had two desserts on Sunday night. THIS IS HOW WE ROLL SOMETIMES FOLKS! You have to enjoy life, live it to the fullest, and this was one of those nights. 

DISCLAIMER......I do not recommend having multiple desserts or even making two brand new recipes in one night, let alone three! BUUUUUTTT, what the hell! It was a girl's night and we were living it up! HA HA HA....making three low carb recipes in my own home after having exhausted myself for the past few days was living it up? YOU CAN BET YOUR SWEET ASS IT WAS! I was with my girls, laughing, singing, and having a great time. Couldn't be any better!

OK, on to Dessert #1's Recipe...No Bake Keto Cheesecake - Quick, No Crust...This one came from Broke Foodies via I Breathe I'm Hungry. Now I'm not a huge cheesecake person, but this looked so dam good I couldn't resist. 

Again, my pic isn't the best, but it's my I'll keep it! 

I didn't have any lids for my small ramekins so I opted to use two of the larger ones. I don't know about most of you but my stomach cannot take all the artificial sweetener that a lot of folks use. But with anything, make it your own, so that's exactly what I did! I used about 1/3 of the sweetener called for in the cheesecake itself and no artificial sweetener in the raspberries....oh yeah I used raspberries instead of strawberries. This came out really good....very tart....but very good. Zoey was not a fan as she loves everything to be over the top sweet. Mary and I however, LOVED IT! We only ate a little bit as this took a while to set up. Matter of fact I finished mine last night after my late night, for me, run. 

Meanwhile, back at the ranch....."ranch dressing" Zoey would was off to another recipe. Who doesn't love lava cake! There must be something wrong with you if you don't love lava cake! It's chocolate and it's cake! WHAT'S NOT TO LOVE! Oh yeah, and you put ice cream on it!

I really need to get a few kitchen items, like mini bundt pans. Don't tell Chuck! He'll freak if I come home with anything else for the kitchen. He thinks I have way too many kitchen gadgets. BUUUUT, if I sneak it in the house when he's not home and then blame it on Mary if he sees it....hmmmm, this might work! I'm going to try it! SSSSSHHHHHH, let's keep it between us! And for godsakes don't tell Zoey because Daddy does no wrong and Mommy does everything wrong in her she'll tell on me. 

This low carb lava cake from Tasteaholics was DELICIOUS! I mixed up three separate batches and used a large muffin pan because I didn't have those cute little bundt pans. I'm dreaming of them right now...maybe I'll check Amazon! No wait, Chuck can see what I order.....I guess I'm going shopping without him!

10 minutes was not enough time to cook these, however, 15 was too long. So my lava was too thick and thus did not spill out onto the plate. DON'T fret my sweeties because it still tasted, OMG, so good! Add a little ice cream and it was the perfect second dessert of the evening! 

I don't know about you but I'm tired and could use one of these wonderful desserts and a NAP!

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