Monday, April 9, 2018

Losing weight is not easy! But I'll take the bumps in the road!

Losing weight is just not easy! I've been down this road so many times in my life and I would love for it to be easy just once! ONCE! That's all I'm asking. Why is that so hard?

BECAUSE IT IS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

I'm sure we all remember my "Hematological Mess", aka Take #432, post a couple months a go. Well although I have lost 20 lbs.....said so nonchalantly. 


I'm gonna say it again!


If I could have made that blink and flashy and fireworks going off I would have. Because dam! 20 lbs is a lot! Just losing 20 lbs I feel better and have dropped a pant size. Which that alone should be having me dance!

It's been a roller coaster over the last 2 months but the weight is coming off!

Courtesy of MFP weigh ins. 

I unfortunately am still a Hematological MESS! Now the doctor is only watching my white blood cells and platelets at the moment; they've been elevated and the other numbers will take a couple months to come down.

My white blood cells and my platelets don't have anything to with my weight, at least not that I'm aware of, but they are a mess and I now have to go back to my Hematologist. I'm not at all happy about this. There is no explanation other than my Essential Thrombocythemia acting up again. You said what?  Yes, I have a blood disorder called Essential Thrombocythemia. It's a mouth full I know. In a nutshell I have an unknown reason for high platelets.

Last week I was having a horrible time showing any signs of weight loss so I started doing an Intermittent Fast, IF. This helped kick my body into gear and I was able to get several pounds off and keep it off. Although I was only eating between 10 AM and 5 PM I still managed to eat around 1300 calories each day.

We leave for Disney soon and I plan to follow the same way of eating, IF and Low Carb (LC), the whole time we are there. 

My goal was to lose 10 lbs each month and I unfortunately missed that goal by a week for March. But no worries, I'm sticking to my goal of reaching 210 lbs by the end of this month. That is a lot to take in and achieve while being on vacation but I am up for the challenge.

My trusty spreadsheet and MFP will help me stay on track.

My mini goal will be to reach the "Obese" BMI category. I know, I know, some of you are saying "Why in the world does she want to get to the OBESE BMI category?" It's super simple! I'm in the REALLY OBESE BMI category right now!

If was a rough start this month, you can see the roller coaster here. But if I can stay on track I will reach the Obese BMI category, orange BMI, by Monday, April 16th! I so want to reach this goal! This is just as important to me as it was to lose 20 lbs. Being able to step down in the weight and BMI ranges is huge! ABSOLUTELY HUGE!

Seeing the "Current Weight" and "Current BMI" numbers on this page go down will be fantastic! And I for one can't wait to see that happen. It will take another month to get that "Current Weight" into the dark orange range, but that "Current BMI" within the orange range is within reach. I can taste it!

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