Tuesday, April 22, 2008

Tax Accessor

So we got a letter at the end of last year stating that the tax accessor would be coming around to re access everyone's taxes in Atlantic County.

We just bough tour home so we know our taxes aren't going up. But there are houses in the area that haven't been accessed in over 20 years.

The guy came around several weeks ago and Chuck wouldn't let him in the house. I was sick and the baby was fussy. The accessor said he would be back or we could call to make any appointment. Chuck called and told them not to bother coming out again because we weren't going to let them in. They said ok, just realize that your taxes will be based on a estimate of comparable houses in the area. Which is fine.

Several people I have talked to recently have been told that the reassessment is mandatory and that they have no choice but to let the accessor into their homes. I have been told they are being taxed on things such as their granite counter tops and more. I don't think that is right!

Just because someone can afford to have something nice in their house doesn't mean that they should have to pay extra property taxes!

1 comment:

  1. he is the tax ASSESSOR. he assesses, not accesses.

